Kaylyn's House of Joy, Inc.
"Putting JOY in our girl's Journey."
Questions? Call us at
(502) 509-3885

"Hey Mom, can she stay here until..."
The Power of

"Helping people in need is a good essential part of my life, a kind of destiny." - Princess Diana
Kaylyn was the funny, kind-hearted girl, who would yell with a huge smile "Hey! How you doing!?" to anyone she made eye contact with. Although she was family-oriented, this compassionate, free-spirited girl chose to associate herself with the "streets" and drugs. This caused her to meet so many young girls and women who was suffering from abuse, human trafficking, homelessness, drug addictions, unplanned pregnancies, and more. Many times she would come home to her mother and ask "Hey Mom, can she stay here until _______________?" or "Hey Mom, can she come here to shower? Its been days." She would literally give these young girls the clothes off her back.
Kaylyn's untimely passing, at the tender age of 20, not only devastate her family, but the many "at risk" young girls and women who crossed her path. Who would house them for the night? Who would feed them? Who would protect them from abuse? Knowing her daughters impact, Kathy Malone decided to ensure that her daughters' spirit and compassion lived on. She decided that at Kaylyn's House for "at risk" young ladies the answer will always be, "YES! You can stay until..." You can stay until you find a safe home, you can stay until you get your education, you can stay until you find your way- Kaylyn's House of Joy will be here for YOU always!!!
In 2019, with the help of a strong, dedicated group of professional women, Kaylyn's House of Joy, Inc.'s non-profit was formed. We as women have all united to fight for all teen girls and young womens right to transition into adulthood safely and with the resources to survive. We believe that all young women have the power to achieve independence if they only had a little support UNTIL... The word "Until" means that things are guaranteed to change. KHJ's President, VP, Board of Directors, Staff, Volunteers, and donors understand how hard it is for teen girls and young women in society, especially women of color and/or poverty. Thus creating our purpose: "To put the JOY in the Journey of young ladies , by supporting them until..."
Want to join us and our Network of JOY Makers!?! Click here to find out how.
Meet Our Team

Kathy Malone
President of Kaylyn's House of Joy,

Robbie McCreary
Vice President/Treasurer

Vanessa Green
PNC, Former Asst. VP/ Branch Manager
Kenyatta Thomas
HealthEquity, Operations Manager
Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana, Service Unit Manager
Chemeka Kelly
Jefferson County Public Schools, HS Teacher
Social Justice Now!, School Sponsor

Alleshia Lewis
Park DuValle Community Health Center, Dental Assistant, E.D.D.A.
Robbie Kimbrough
Happily Scented LLC, Owner

Denata Kimbrough
Rose's, Asst. Store Manager

Angela Renfro
Kristy Love Foundation President

Linda Kimbrough